Management Information Systems Course


Jeff,  an experienced computers and information systems student from growing up with a father involved in the business writes [portion of an email I received].  For complete email Testimonials – Management Information Systems: Jeff.

I learned a lot in this class about presentation and how to find answers.  I notice your teaching style is more “teach people to fish, feed them for a lifetime” rather than to spoon feed the individual, which I like.  I enjoyed your class a lot; it was a lot more challenging than I anticipated, being that I have been involved in Business Information Systems since I was 10 years old.  I can honestly say that I have spent more time preparing for class than any other in my college career and I was more prepared for this class than any other in my life.  I think it was well worth it though.


Thank you again for a most enjoyable class.  I think I learned more in this class than I have in my other classes.  It was a more real world than any other classes.   I wish you the best and plan to stay in touch.  I feel you could be a valuable resource in the not so distant future and I as I make some life changes down the road.

Unfortunately time ran out for me to complete Assignment 9A due to full-time work demands.  I take full responsibility for this happening and will not make any excuses.  Thank you for your generosity that you extended to me on some assignments being turned in a little late due to work demands I wish you the best and plan to stay in touch.

Winston, survey response from a student mid-way in semester that goes in depth regarding (i) the testing approach of crib-sheets in conjunction with application type questions, and (ii) weekly graded assignments that are challenging, contain real-world relevance, and enhance presentation skills and technical abilities in both Word and Excel.  Testimonials – Management Information Systems: Winston